
There is just one Mudokon within this area.
R6P06C02: You only have two minutes to complete this section.
Ignore the two Sligs that appear on the upper platform, and drop off the platform to the
screen below. Turn and drop off the platform to the right.
Run to the end of he platform, make a running jump, there is a platform, hidden in shadow.
Hoist up, and roll through the gap. You will fall down to the screen below.
Pull the lever, then crouch and roll to the left.
Wait by the first meat grinder and as it passes you on the way down roll through to the
left, roll all the way to the end of the platform, then stand and lower down to the next
Wait for the meat grinder to start going up, then quickly press jump twice.
Walk to the next screen up to the mine, jump three times, take a step forward, pull the
Take a step back, jump the mines, walk to the next screen and up to the mine.
Wait by the meat grinder and just as it ascends, jump twice, and get on the lift.
Go down. Roll through the tunnel. Make a running jump over the mines. Roll through the
next tunnel. Make another running jump over the mines.
Drop off the edge.
Walk to the left screen and deactivate the three mines.
The sequence is;
1 Red Click - Green; 2 red clicks - Green; 3 red clicks - Green.
Once you've deactivated all the mines, get the Mudokon to follow you to the previous
screen then chant to save it.
When you get the Shrykull power, pull the ring above the trapdoor and fall through.
Chant immediately to kill all those around you then pull the lever....
The End?