
The general moves for Abe using the arrow keys are;
Press left to walk left,
Press right to walk right,
press up to jump up or hoist up if you are under the lip of ledge, and
Press down to crouch or climb down if you are on the upper edge of a platform.
If you are crouching and press either left or right Abe will roll.
Press R1 and a left or right arrow to run in that direction.
If you stop running, Abe will skid to a stop.
Press R2 and a left or right arrow to sneak in that direction.
Press triangle to jump in the direction you're facing.
If you are running and press triangle, Abe will perform a running jump. After a running
jump Abe will skid to a stop. It's worth noting that a running jump is longer than a
standard jump, it's also worth practising running jumps to perfect them.
Press square to use an object, such as a lever.
If you are standing in front of the Elum and press square, you will mount the Elum.
Press X to crouch.
If you are running, pressing X will put Abe into a roll. Practice this move.
Press L1 and L2 together to chant. If a chant suppresser is on the same screen, Abe will
get struck by an electric bolt. Any objects that Abe is carrying will be dropped, be
careful if Abe is carrying bombs !
If you chant when a Slig is on the screen, you will eventually gain control over the Slig.
If there is more than one Slig on screen when it is possessed, the others may feel the
urge to shoot it. |
To pick up an object Abe can either crouch on top of it, or crouch to one side of it
and press square to reach out and get it.
Press Circle to throw an object, such as a bomb, rock or piece of meat, the direction
arrow controls both the arc of the throw, and when Abe throws the object.
If you are holding a bomb, when you press circle, the bomb will start to 'tick', you must
release the bomb by pressing a direction key before the 6th tick. The bomb explodes on the
6th 'tick'.
If you are crouching and press circle to throw, Abe will roll the object.
If you are standing and hold circle, the direction arrow used to release the object
becomes important;
Press the direction arrow in the same direction that Abe is facing to throw an object a
long way.
Press the arrow in the opposite direction from Abe is facing to throw a bomb up in the
Press the UP direction arrow to throw the object both up and along the screen, this move
can be useful to throw an object onto a platform above.
Press the DOWN arrow to throw a bomb at the floor. |
Hold L1 and triangle for "Hello"
Hold L1 and square for "Follow me"
Hold L1 and X for "Wait"
Hold L1 and Circle for an angry noise.
Hold L2 and triangle for Whistle 1
Hold L2 and square for Abes Laugh
Hold L2 and X for Whistle 2
Hold L2 and Circle for Abes Fart.
Therefore to get a Mudokon to follow Abe, first say "hello", when he replies,
say "Follow Me", after the Mudokon says "Okay", move to another screen
and ask it to "wait".
Abe can now leave the screen, and the Mudokon will resume cleaning after a few seconds. |
Press L1 and L2 together to chant.
If you chant when a Slig is on the screen, and there aren't any chant suppressers you will
eventually gain control over the Slig. If there is more than one Slig on screen when it is
possessed, the other(s) may feel the urge to shoot it.
As a Slig, you can't jump, sneak or crouch, you also can't go through doors, or collect or
throw objects.
Sligs can run by holding R1 and a direction arrow.
Sligs can also shoot by pressing circle.
Sligs talk in the same way as Abe, their speech is...
Hold L1 and triangle for "Hi"
Hold L1 and square for "Here Boy"
Hold L1 and X for "Get Him"
Hold L1 and Circle for an angry noise.
Hold L2 and triangle for Whistle 1
Hold L2 and square for a Sligs evil laugh
Hold L2 and X for Whistle 2
Hold L2 and Circle for "Look Out".
As a Slig, you can control the Slogs by saying "Here boy", to get them to follow
you, then "Get him", to get them to attack someone.
You can also shout 'look out' to Mudokons to get them to duck, by pressing L2 and circle,
before shooting other Sligs. |
There are two speeds of meat grinders.
To get Abe through the normal speed meat grinder walk under it when it ascends, just
passing Abes head. Watch the edge of the meat grinder and judge your movement from it.
To get Abe and a Mudokon past the normal speed meat grinder, get the Mudokon to wait with
Abe by the meat grinder. Make the Mudokon stand in the same place as Abe by saying follow
me until he walks to exactly the same position as Abe.
Run under the meat grinder when it ascends, just passing Abes head, the Mudokon will walk
under it.
To get Abe and past a fast moving meat grinder, crouch next to it, and roll when it just
passes Abes head.
It is virtually impossible to get Abe and a Mudokon past a fast moving meat grinder.