
There are 12 Mudokons within Stockyard escape, 11 of whom are in secret sections.
To hear how to save a hidden Mudokon, complete the first secret. and get
past the Scrab Pens.
To find another secret and get past two patrolling Sligs.
To discover a very big secret area, a very big secret move, and save
four Mudokons.
To save another Mudokon in a secret area.
To the end of the section and another secret.
To deal with your first Slog and another secret area.
You start the stockyard escape section on screen E1P06C01. Jump the gap
and proceed to the next screen.
Quickly opening a portal in the bottom left of the screen will rescue a Mudokon before
he's killed by the advancing Scrab.
Now make your way across the screen, to avoid the alarm, stand still when the Motion
Detectors touch you.
Alternatively, just roll through this screen and this alarm system will miss you !
Jump onto the first Scrab pen, and walk through the door to the right in the shadow, this
takes you into the background of screen E1p06c03.
Run into the screen to the left.
Chant to open the portal.
Jump through the portal to reach a secret level.
Say Hello and follow me to the Mudokon, and chant to open Abes portal.
Walk slowly into the screen on the right.
A Scrab waits there and will chase you on sight.
Quickly run back to e1p06c02 and make a running jump onto the platform that you started
As the Scrab runs underneath the platform, run to the right and keep running. The next
screen is a flat out run, the screen after that requires one running jump, the screen
after that requires 2 running jumps, the screen after that requires another running jump
onto the platform.
Now chant to save the Mudokon.
You have to repeat this in reverse to get back to the starting platform.
Repeat the actions from before with the remaining Mudokon, but this time on the return
journey jump through the portal to relative safety.
This section is very hard, but experts, can kill the Scrab in the following manor, making
this section a little easier.
Get the Scrab to chase you.
Jump back on to the platform you started on.
When the Scrab is under you and running to the wall on the left, ran to the right, keep
running, just after you have made the first jump, quickly turn around and jump back to the
left, if you time it correctly, Abe will grab the ledge, and the Scrab will walk off and
die. Now you can save the two Mudokons with ease.
After completing the secret you return to E1P06C02, climb up to the left and jump the pen
with the Scrab.
After completing the secret you return to E1P06C02, climb up to the left
and jump the pen with the Scrab. Run into the next screen.
Make a running jump, avoiding the Scrab. Walk into the next screen.
Avoid the motion detector by remaining still as it passes over you, and avoid the Scrab
again. Run into the next screen.
Chant to reveal the fireflies message. - lights will guide you. Jump the gap to avoid the
Scrab. Run into the next screen.
Jump the gap and chant to reveal another message. - Sneak in and out of shadows. Sneak
into the next room.
Jump over the bomb. A Slig is asleep by the rock, if you remain still it will walk to the
left. Once it has left the screen, jump over the small gap and sneak into the shadow of
the rock. Wait for the Slig to return to this screen and walk past you. Make sure it is
still facing the right and then sneak to the next screen to the left.
Hide in the shadow of the rock until neither Slig is on screen. Roll into the edge of the
screen. As the Slig on your level reappears walk into the next screen.
Jump the bomb before the Slig returns, lower yourself off the edge of the rocks.
On room E1POIC05, chant to reveal a portal where a secret is, then activate the mine by
crouching next to it and pressing square. Roll into the next screen to the left.
Quickly roll out to the right again once a Slig has shouted "Wait", one of the
Sligs should chase you, take a running jump up onto the ledge. The Slig following you will
run into the mine and explode.
Drop down and jump through the portal into the secret area.
E1P01C08: Immediately jump forward. You will grab onto a ledge. The Slig on your
platform tends to shoot, then walk to the edge of the platform.
Wait until he turns around, then hoist up and sneak after him.
Wait on this screen until he returns, then the moment he reappears (listen out for his
footsteps), sneak into the next screen.
Notice that on the platform above there are two Mudokons, cleaning either side of a
deactivated mine. You need to get them safe, activate the mine to blow up a Slig, then
save the Mudokons.
Wait for the Slig on the platform above to retreat to the screen on the left, then say
hello, and follow me to one of the Mudokons. He will walk up to the edge of the screen.
Don't say anything else, he will eventually start cleaning again. Keep listening for the
Sligs footsteps and move into the screen to the left when the Slig on your platform enters
the screen.
Now wait until the Slig on your screen appears again and run and jump over to the right
hand platform, ideally you want to be hanging from this platform, in case the Slig has
heard you and gives chase, when it's safe hoist up, and turn around and jump onto the
platform on the left, you will be hanging from the platform.
When it's safe - i.e., no Sligs on either platform - hoist up and say "Hello"
& "Follow me" to the Mudokon, sneak to the edge on the left of the screen
and wait for it to start cleaning again.
When safe, jump over to the right hand platform and hang there until neither Slig is on
When safe, hoist up, and again to the higher platform, activate the mine and quickly
return to the lower platform, ideally you will hang from one of the edges.
After a while the Slig on the upper platform will walk over to the mine and explode. Wait
until it is safe and get back to the higher platform.
Ask the Mudokons to follow you to the screen on the left. When they are both there, wait
until the Slig is off screen and chant to open both portals. Both Mudokons should escape,
and your portal opens on the platform below to the left, where you started the level.
You may have noticed that your chant had a strange effect on the Slig. It is worth
remembering this behaviour for later. You just need to get Abe to the left hand edge of
the screen on lower platform when the Slig is on the other screen. When it returns, run
and jump through the portal on the screen to the left.
You'll return to screen E1PO1C05.
Sneak into the next screen and wait in the shadow of the rock.
Wait for the Slig to approach the rock, as it turns sneak with him to the left hand side
of the screen, hoist up on to the platform and continue moving to the left.
Chant to reveal the fireflies message - rescue lost souls.
On screen E1PO2C01 wait for the bats to clear and make a running jump.
Lower Abe quickly down, and lower again to the screen below.
Take a step right, then jump. Abe will hang on to the edge of the platform. Wait for the
Slig to turn around, then sneak after it. Wait on the edge of the screen for the Slig to
return, then sneak into the next screen.
Immediately chant to open a portal before the Slig shoots and scares away the birds. Go
back to the previous screen when the Slig appears, then when it reappears, take a running
jump into the portal.
You may have noticed how chanting can affect the behaviour of a Slig.
Wait till the Slig on the upper platform appears, then chant for a while. After a few
seconds, Abe is able to the possess the Slig. Moving your joypad, will cause the Slig to
move. WOW !
Take the Slig right, and drop down on to the platform. Then walk to the left, and drop
down onto another platform. Take a step or two to the right and drop to the floor. Turn to
the left. Press L2 and circle to get the Slig to say "look out". The Mudokons
will duck. Press Circle to shoot and kill a Slig. Say look out again if necessary and kill
another Slig. Now destroy the Slig by chanting again.
Now you are in control of Abe again. Do not try to save the two Mudokons up here (there is
another to your left), as mines below will kill them. Walk to the edge of the platform and
lower yourself down to the ground. Chant to save two Mudokons. Walk to the left, drop
down, keep walking to the left. Chant again to open your portal.
Sneak left past the next screen (E1p02c03), into E1p02c04. Wait on the edge of the
platform for the Slig to leave the screen, then lower down, activate the mine, and quickly
hoist back up to the platform. When the Slig returns it will walk over the mine and
explode. Now drop down and walk right, back into E1P02C03. A bag is hanging on the
platform, walk into it and it will drop a rock. Either sit on it to pick it up, or press
square. The three means that you have three rocks from this bag. Go right, and lower your
self into the screen below. Chant to open the portal and jump through it.
You may have noticed, that this is the other side of the secret room you recently visited.
Climb up to the top walk along all the way to the right, lower Abe down to the floor. Walk
under a mine, and throw a rock up to detonate it, do the same with the other mine in the
room to the left. Throw rocks up by pressing the throw button and then pressing a directon
arrow in the opposite direction from the direction Abe is facing Now collect the two
Mudokons from above and get them through the portal. Mudokons don't like to walk off
edges, and you'll have to ask them to follow you again when they get to the edge of the
platform. Now take Abe through his portal.
Make your way left to E1P03c01, but remember to stop off and collect
three more rocks first from the bag on E1P02C03. Watch out for the bats, and lower your
self down when safe.
Walk right and when on the edge of the next screen (E1p03c02), Chant to open the portal to
a secret level. Crouch and throw a rock. If there are any mines left move slightly and
throw again. Continue until all the mines have detonated. Then jump through the portal.
Immediately roll left under into the tube. Carefully roll into the next screen. Look for
Abe in the Shadow. When the Slig is facing in the other direction stand and make one jump,
repeat this until you are underneath the platform edge. When the Slig on the upper
platform is on the other screen, and the other Slig is facing away, hoist up, turn and
jump to the platform on the right. Crouch and roll through the tube. Now possess a Slig by
chanting. You should possess the Slig up the upper platform and the Slig on the lower
should walk into the mines and die as you chant. Walk the Slig into the room on the left
and kill the Slig waiting there. Drop to the floor, shout "Look Out", by
pressing L1 and circle, and kill the remaining Sligs. Chant again to de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, Chant to open the your portal. Make you way over to the other screen and chant to
open a portal to save the Mudokon. Return to the screen on the right. Lower yourself down
off the platform, jump the mines then jump through the portal.
Go back to E1P03C03, and get a rock from the sack if necessary. Roll
onto the screen on the right and while crouching roll a bomb onto the mine, killing a Slig
in the process. Sneak into the next screen, and sneak after the Slig, remaining in the
shadows. On screen E1P03C06, wait for the bats to disperse, then hoist up, roll across and
drop down. The fireflies message is Almost Home. Keep heading left
The fireflies message is - "Slog Goes Boom." Get some rocks if you need them by
jumping at the bag. Now climb onto the platform on the right. Jump over the mine. Walk
into the next screen where a Slog is waiting. When the Slog wakes up and starts to chase
you, run back to the right, jumping over the mine. The Slog will hit it and explode. On
the bottom platform, roll past the fire. Abe will drop down to a platform on the screen
Chant to open the portal. Facing the left, throw a rock. Both the mines will explode. Now
run to the right, pressing X to roll at the crucial moment. Run onto the next screen and
make a running jump for the ledge. The Slog will catch up. Now run and roll back and make
a running jump through the portal you opened earlier to yet another secret area.
Walk into the next screen. Hoist up onto the platform, walk back to the left and chant to
open the portal. Now take a couple of steps back to the screen on the right. Chant to open
the portal for the Mudokon. The Slog will awaken, and come chasing after Abe, snapping at
his heals as Abe stands on the platform above. As before, run and jump over to the other
platform, then when the Slog catches up, run back and jump through the portal opened
Run to the left for a few screens...
On screen E1p04C05 you will encounter another Slog, also notice the mine
by the tree. Run back a screen and jump onto the platform. When the Slog catches up run
back to the left, jumping over the mine, which the Slig will run into. You will now be on
screen EIPO4CO6.
The Slog here will have probably woken up. Throw a rock at the mines behind it by standing
underneath them facing left holding circle and then pressing right. This will kill the
Slog. Run back to the right for a couple of screens. Lower Abe down from screen E1P04C03,
to C02. Chant and jump through the portal to another secret area.
Immediately start running to the right as a Slog will start chasing Abe. Keep running past
the Mudokon and make a running jump to the platform. Go through the door. Chant to save
the Mudokon. Run to the screen to the left. Chant to open the portal. Run back to the
door, and go through it. Run to the left and keep running until you reach the portal. Jump
though it. Run back to E1P04C06, if you need more rocks to destroy the mines, lower Abe
from the ledge and chant to go through the portal to E1P04C01. Once all the mine are
destroyed, move to the next screen, the fireflies say - Watch Your Step. - Jump down for
the next part of game.