
There are 49 Mudokons over these sections. 13 of whom are in secret sections.
Zulag 1;
Zulag 2;
Zulag 3;
Zulag 4;
There are 25 Mudokons within this section, 13 of which are in secret
For a solution to the start of the section.;
To a solution to the section starting on screen R2P18C04;
To a solution to the section starting on screen R2P16C07;
To a solution to the secret section R2p16C09;
To a solution to the section starting on screen R2P16C03;
To a solution to the section starting on screen R2P15C08;
To a solution to the secret section R2P15C17;
To a solution to the secret section R2P15C11;
To a solution to the secret section R2P15C15;
Get the Mudokon to follow Abe.
Walk into the next screen and chant to open the portal.
You will also deactivate the electric field when the Mudokon is saved.
Run to the left.
You can either go through the door here, or carry on to the left and get some bombs, I
recommend getting the bombs.
To get the bombs, run through the next screen, the screen after needs a jump to avoid
falling down the lift shaft.
Get the bombs.
Stand in the corner facing right and through a bomb up, by pressing the throw button and
left. The bomb should land on the edge of the platform. Throw several more, one should
explode close enough to the floating mine to blow it up.
Collect more bombs if necessary, and go to the screen on the right.
A Slig appears, and the electric fence appears.
Get close and throw a bomb up to kill the Slig.
Climb up and pull the lever to shut of the electric fence.
Return and exit through the door.
A Slog will start to chase you, so immediately run left and keep running.
Ignore a Mudokon and the Slig.
Jump up onto a platform and possess the Slig.
As the Slig, shoot the Slog.
Walk right to the next screen another Slig will appear, shoot it.
Walk right for two more screens, yet another Slig will appear, shoot it.
Walk slowly into the next screen, avoid the meat grinders.
Walk into the next screen, many Slogs will run out of the kennel.
Shoot them all.
Walk into the next screen and pull the lever, now de-possess the Slig.
As Abe walk left.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you and walk to the left of the screen, out of harms way from
the mines. Now ask him to wait.
Walk into the next screen, a Mudokon will give you the Red Ring power. Return to the right
and Chant to blow up the mines.
Now make your way through the level collecting the Mudokons and bringing them all the way
back to R2P18C01 then chant to save 4 more Mudokons.
Walk into the next screen to pick up the Red Rings, then roll through to the next section.
Chant to blow up the mines and kill the Slig.
Drop down through the open trapdoor. Notice the 2 within the portal. This means you should
save two Mudokons at the same time.
Pull the lever to close the trapdoor on the platform.
Hoist back up and out, then up onto the platform to the left.
Walk into the next screen and possess the Slig.
De-possess it to destroy it.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you and walk away from the mine.
If you have a bomb, blow the mine up, otherwise return to get the Red Rings, and then
chant to destroy the mine.
Now get the Mudokon to follow you down the trap door, and chant to save 2 more Mudokons
and get the Blue Ring power. Chant to see the awesome power of the Shrykull in action !
Climb back up and as the Sligs run into the room on the left, chant to destroy them all.
Walk to the left.
Jump to the central platform.
Jump over the bombs, and jump again to the next platform.
Run into the next room, make a running jump to the platform, but don't hoist up until the
Slig, falls off.
Possess and de-possess the Slig to destroy it.
Stand on the left hand side of the lever, pull it and run to the right to fall down
through the trap door to a secret level.
A Slig is standing on the platform with you.
Sneak one step left into the shadows.
If you have a bomb:
Wait until it's safe and sneak two more steps left then turn to the right.
Press X to crouch.
Roll a bomb to kill the Slig.
Possess the other Slig.
As the Slig - Walk off the platform to fall into the screen below.
Run to the left off the platform.
Shout "Look out".
Shoot the Sligs.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe - jump off the platform, and then drop to the screen below.
Get the Mudokon on the centre of the screen to walk to the left side, to safety.
With a bomb, blow up the mine.
Leave the screen and return to get the bird portal back.
Chant to save 3 more Mudokons.
Get a bomb from the machine of you need one.
Climb up to the room above, chant to open Abes portal.
If you don't have bombs:
Sneak into the shadow, lower down and run off the platform to the right.
Get a bomb.
Hoist back up from the screen below and hang on the platform.
Wait for the Slig to be walking to the left and sneak into the shadow.
Press X to crouch.
Roll a bomb to kill the Slig.
Possess the other Slig.
As the Slig - Walk off the platform to fall into the screen below.
Run to the left off the platform.
Shout "Look out".
Shoot the Sligs.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe - jump off the platform, and then jump to the screen below.
Get a bomb.
Get the Mudokon on the centre of the screen to walk to the left side, to safety.
With a bomb, blow up the mine.
Leave the screen and return to get the bird portal back.
Chant to save 3 more Mudokons.
Get a bomb from the boom machine.
Climb up to the room above, chant to open Abes portal.
Walk to the screen on the right.
Possess a Slig, the other one will shoot it.
Possess the other Slig.
As the Slig walk to the next screen.
Shout "Look out".
Shoot the Slig.
Walk to the next screen.
Shout "Look out".
Shoot two Sligs.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe, run into the next screen, ask the Mudokon to follow you.
Run into the next screen.
Chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Walk through the door to enter the next section.
Take the lift up.
A Slog is asleep on the top platform.
Run to the left and jump onto the platform.
A Slig will appear.
Chant to possess it and then shoot the Slog.
As a Slig, walk into the next room.
Shout "look out".
Shoot the Sligs.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe, jump down and run to the room to the left.
Possess the Slig on the platform above.
As the Slig, walk to the room on the left. Shoot the Slig that appears on the right, then
de-possess your Slig.
As Abe. Get the two Mudokons to follow you to the lift.
Then take the lift down and chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Take the lift back up and walk to the screen on the left.
Pull the ring from the left and run to fall through the trap door.
Possess a Slig.
As a Slig shout "look out".
Shoot the other Slig and drop down to the screen below.
Walk off the platform, shout "look out" again, shoot the Sligs, de-possess the
As Abe, get the Mudokon to follow you to the floor on screen below.
Chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Climb up to the screen above.
Chant and jump through the portal.
Run left for two screens, then climb down through the barrel on R2P15C04
to another secret.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk off the platform.
Turn and shoot the Slig.
Four more Sligs will drop down and kill the Slig.
As Abe, get a bomb and roll it off the platform to the screen below.
Lower Abe off the platform, if there is a Slig there quickly hoist back up, get another
bomb and throw it down.
Repeat this method until all Sligs are dead.
Chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Climb back up to the top.
Run one screen to the right, and hoist up.
Run two screens to the left.
Lower Abe into the first pit.
There is another secret below the barrel.
A Slig is on the platform you land on.
Immediately run off the platform to the left.
Do a quick chant to confuse the Slig.
As the Slig walks off of the platform do a running jump to swap levels.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk off the platform.
When you land on the screen below, turn to the left and shoot a Slig.
Walk off the platform.
Shout "Look out", and shoot the Slig.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe make your way down and save 2 more Mudokons.
Leave the secret area.
Make your way over to the left, walk through a series of doors, keep
going to the left.
Chant to save 3 more Mudokons on screen R2P15C01.
Lower down through the barrel to another secret.
R2P15C15 :
Possess the Slig.
The Slog will run off the platform.
As the Slig, walk off the platform.
Keep telling the Slog "Here Boy" & "Get him", until it jumps down
and kills the other Slig.
Now walk off the platform, shoot the Slog, and de-possess.
As Abe, get both the Mudokons to the bottom on the screen below and chant to save them..
Leave the secret area.
Walk to the right and chant to open the portal.
Jump through it and you'll appear where the Mudokon gives Abe the red Rings.
Make you way through the level, return through the door in the centre of the level and get
five more bombs from the boom machine. the electric fence will be on. Get up on the
platform, and pull the lever.
Go back through the door and carefully make you way over to the door marked Zulag one.
Get in the transport pod, and take a trip to Zulag two.
There are 9 Mudokons within this section.
Start section - R2P01C01;
For the solution to the room in the top left corner;
For a solution to the room through the right door on the left platform;
For a solution to the room on the right hand platform, if you have
For a solution to the room on the right hand platform, if you don't have
Keep going through doors, until you reach R2P01C01.
Hoist onto the platform then possess the Slig.
Use the Slig to talk your way past the security door on the next screen.
The machine will grunt
As the Slig say "Hello"
The machine will now make a series of noises.
Repeat them as the Slig by saying;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 1, Whistle 2.
The security door will open, and a Slig will drop down onto the platform above.
Wait until the Slig walks off the platform, shoot it, and then de-possess your Slig.
As Abe, have a look at the directory of the Zulag compound, and the detail of Zulag 2,
with the dots representing Mudokons.
Run into the next screen.
Hoist up, walk to the lift which is above the machine to the right.
Go up to the next screen, R2P01C03, Jump up to the platform on the left, and walk through
the door on the far left.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you, run two screens to the right and then ask
it to wait.
Notice that the portal has the number 3 within it
Jump onto the ledge, and from the right hand side, pull the lever, run off the platform.
A Slig will come down on a lift and walk off the platform.
Jump back up and possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk to the next screen,
Say "Hello" to the machine.
Repeat the phrase -
Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 1.
The security door will open, and a Slig will enter the screen from the left.
Shoot it and then de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, get the Mudokon on the platform to follow you to the portal.
Chant to save 3 more and get the Blue Ring power.
Get onto the platform, take the lift up to the screen above.
Pull the lever.
Walk to the screen on the right, and from the edge chant immediately chant to blow up the
mines and kill the Slig before a floating mine gets you.
Another Slig will walk in from the right.
Chant to possess it.
As the Slig, walk into the next screen.
Shout "Look out", then shoot the other Slig.
De-posses your Slig.
As Abe, Jump down and run into the next screen, chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the door. Abe will
return to R2P01C03.
There is a Slog in the kennel on the platform above you.
Run to the screen on the right, and the Slog will chase you.
Jump onto the platform.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, say "Here Boy" to the Slog.
Walk into the next screen.
A Slig is on the other side of a tunnel
Say "Get him", so that the Slog will run through the tunnel and kill the other
Call the Slog back and shoot it.
Now de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, Jump off the platform, run to the screen on the right, roll through the tunnel and
go into the next screen.
Abe should have 5 bombs, but if you don't you can get 3 from the boom machine.
Sneak into the next room past a sleeping Slig.
Hoist up onto the platform, whilst there whistle to wake the Slig up.
Run off the platform and run through the next screen, roll through the tunnel. Hoist up
onto the platform and run to the right.
The Slig will now be hanging around the boom machine.
Chant to possess it.
As the Slig, walk to the right towards the lever. Many Slogs will rush out.
Shoot them all, then pull the lever and de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, get the Mudokons to follow you to the room with the boom machine, chant to open
the portal and save 2 more Mudokons.
Make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the door. Abe will
return to R2P01C03. Jump the gap and go through the next door on the right.
If you have Bombs
Run to the right.
The next screen has two mines, roll a bomb onto them to blow them up.
The screen after has a sleeping Slig, roll another bomb towards it to destroy it.
Pull the lever, that calls a lift on the next screen.
Ride the lift up.
Another Slig is sleeping in front of the lever.
Throw a bomb onto it to destroy it.
Pull the lever.
Go back down on the lift.
Get the Mudokon to drop down to your level, then run to the left to the portal. Ask him to
wait, get the other Mudokon from the next screen, again get him to follow you to the
screen to the left.
Now chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
If you have less than 3 bombs throw them away and get 3 from the boom machine.
Make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the door. Abe will
return to R2P01C03. R2P03C01: If you dont have any bombs Run
to the right and jump over the two bombs on the next screen.
On the third screen, you must sneak past the sleeping Slig, onto the following screen.
On this screen, hoist onto the platform, and walk, or run back to the right.
Get 3 bombs from the Boom machine.
Crouch 2 steps to the right of the trapdoor, and facing left, roll a bomb to destroy the
Then posses the Slig.
You can then use the Slig to pull the lever next to it, and call the lift, which appears
on the screen to the right.
Take the lift up to the screen above, shoot the other Slig that is sleeping there, pull
the lever, and then de-posses your Slig.
As Abe, go back to the screen to the left, and roll a bomb to destroy the 2 mines.
Get the Mudokon to drop down to your level, then run to the left to the portal. Ask him to
wait, get the other Mudokon from the next screen, again him to follow you to the screen to
the left.
Now chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
If you have less than 3 bombs throw them away and get 3 from the boom machine.
Make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the door. Abe will
return to R2P01C03.
There are 10 Mudokons within this section.
For a solution to the beginning of Zulag 3;
For a solution to the room in the bottom right corner;
For a solution to the room in the top right corner - with bombs;
For a solution to the room in the top right corner - without bombs;
For a solution to the room in the top left corner;
A Slog is asleep to your right. Sneak to the screen on the left. Attract
the Sligs attention by saying "hello", then run back to the right, and jump onto
the platform. Possess the Slig. As the Slig, say "Here boy" to the Slog. Walk
into the screen on the right. Say "Get him." so the Slog will attack the other
Slig. Then call the Slog back and shoot it. De-possess the Slig. As Abe roll through to
the right and pull the lever that deactivates the electric field. Roll back to the left,
and go to the next screen. Get up on the platform and take the lift up to R2P13C04. There
are 4 doors, 3 or which are open. You need to complete all the open sections before the
locked door will open. Go through the door on the bottom right.
Run to the right.
Throw bombs directly up to kill the Sligs. Don't worry if you don't kill them all. If you
don't have bombs ignore the Sligs for the moment.
Sneak into the third screen and hoist up.
Possess the Sleeping Slig.
As the Slig, walk back to the left. On the very edge of the screen is a lever, if you
haven't killed all the other Sligs, pull the lever when a Slig is over the trap door, then
shoot it. When all the Sligs are dead de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, run two screen to the left, ask the Mudokon to follow you, ask it to wait over the
trapdoor on the next screen.
Pull the lever then ask the Mudokon to follow you to the screen on the right.
Chant to save another Mudokon.
Go through the door to R2P09C01:
Get 5 more bombs from the boom machine.
Drop down to the screen below.
Possess a Slig, it will be shot by the other, possess that Slig.
As a Slig, pull the lever then walk into the next screen.
Shoot the Slig, 3 more Sligs will drop down, try to shoot them all.
If you don't, they will walk to where Abe is, and they can be possessed then.
As a Slig, walk to the security door.
Shoot the Slog.
Say hello to the door then repeat the phrase -
Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 1.
Walk to the next screen.
Shout "Look out" to the Mudokons.
Shoot the other the Slig.
De-possess the Slig.
As Abe, run all the way to the Mudokons and chant to save them.
Make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the door. Make your way
all the way back to the beginning of that section. Now Abe will return to R2P13C04.
There are two floating mines on this screen, if you have bombs, throw one
into the air, by pressing throw and left.
Once the first mine has been destroyed, jump onto the middle platform and roll a bomb
under the other floating mine.
Now drop down and pull the lever.
Climb back up the central platform and make a running jump across to the platform on the
If you have a bomb, stand by the Mudokon and throw one into the air by facing right,
holding throw and pressing left on the count of four clicks.
Possess the Slig, as the Slig pull the lever, the de-possess it.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you and get him into the room on the left. Chant to open the
portal and save another Mudokon.
Return to the screen on the right.
Jump the gap and sneak into the next screen. Hoist up to the platform with the chant
If you don't have a bomb;
Sneak into the screen. Lower down, and immediately turn and make a running jump over to
the other platform. Run into the next screen and make a running jump on to a platform.
If you don't have any bombs left Chant. The Slig will walk off the screen and fall into
the gap.
If you have bombs, jump to the other platform and throw a bomb against the wall. It will
bounce off and land near the Slig, killing it.
Pull the lever and get on the lift.
Ride it up. Pull the lever. Get 5 more bombs and make you way back to the beginning of the
section and exit through the door. Abe will return to R2P13C04. Go through the remaining
If you don't have bombs it is possible to avoid the floating mines
by jumping over the first one as it passes you. Land on the central platform. Drop down
and walk to the edge of the shadow on the left.
As the floating mine passes you, walk forward and pull the lever, then immediately turn,
take three steps forward, hoist up and take one step left.
Wait for the other mine to start it's journey, then make a running jump over to the other
Sneak into the screen. Lower down, and immediately turn and make a running jump over to
the other platform. Run into the next screen and make a running jump on to a platform.
Chant, and the Slig will walk off the screen, to its death.
Pull the lever.
Ride the lift up, pull the lever there and get five bombs.
Go back down to the screen with the Slig. Stay on the right hand side of the gap and throw
a bomb at the Slig, by pressing throw and up.
Once it's dead jump across pull the lever.
Walk into the screen with the floating mines and use the bombs to destroy them. Return to
the Mudokon, ask it to follow you to the room on the left. Chant to open the portal and
save it.
Get more bombs, make you way back to the beginning of the section and exit through the
door. Abe will return to R2P13C04. Go through the remaining door.
Jump the gap and sneak into the next screen.
If you have a bomb, crouch, press the throw button, and on the count of 5 press the right
direction arrow to throw the bomb at the Slig.
If that was your last bomb, get 9 more from the Boom Machine.
Jump onto the platform.
If you don't have a bomb, sneak up to the Boom Machine, and press for one, then quickly
make a running jump onto the platform.
When the Slig leaves the room, walk off the platform, you'll land on the bomb. Crouch to
pick it up and jump back onto the ledge. Blow up the chant suppresser and possess and
de-possess the Slig to kill it.
Walk into the next room and throw a bomb at the chant suppresser after a count of 5.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, Pull the lever, then de-possess it to destroy it.
As Abe, ask the Mudokon to follow you, run back to the beginning of the level, and ask the
Mudokon to wait by the lift shaft.
Run back to where you just collected the Mudokon from and lower down into the screen
Turn to the right, wait for a carcass to pass you then make a running jump for the
platform on the right.
Turn to the left, and again wait for a carcass to just pass, then make a running jump to
the platform on the left.
Lower down into the screen below.
Walk to the next screen on the left.
Possess one of the Sligs, if the other shoots it, simply possess the one that remains, and
then destroy it.
Otherwise use your Slig to shoot the other one, and then de-possess it.
Walk to the next screen on the left.
Pull the lever from the left hand side, then as the lift is being lowered, make a running
jump over the gap, and run into the next screen. Jump on to the platform, and possess the
Slig when it enters the room.
De-possess it to destroy it.
Get the Mudokon on this screen and the two on the screen to the right, to follow you to
the lift on the left hand screen. Get them to wait on the lift.
When all three are collected take the lift up a screen.
Notice that the portal has the number four within it.
Take the lift up to the next platform and pull the lever.
Take the lift up to the top and collect the waiting Mudokon.
Go back to the platform with the bird portal now that you've collected 4 Mudokons and
Chant to save them.
You will receive the Blue Rings - the power of the Shrykull.
Take the Lift back to the bottom, walk to the right, jump the gap on the third screen
avoiding the falling carcasses.
Walk into the next screen and chant to unleash the power of the Shrykull.
Walk to the screen on the right and chant to free two more Mudokons,
Make your way back to the start of the level, exit through the door to R2P13C04. Check how
many bombs you have before leaving the section. If you have less than nine it's worth
throwing the others away and getting 9 from the boom machine.
Drop down and enter the door that's just opened on the bottom left.
Enter the door to the pod, then through another door to R2P14C01.
There are 5 Mudokons within this area.
For a solution to the section starting on screen
R2P14C01 without having bombs;
For a solution to the section starting on screen R2P14C01 with bombs;
For a solution to the section starting on screen R2P04C01;
For a solution to the section starting on screen R2P08C01;
For a solution to the section starting on screen R2P11C01;
If you don't have bombs, you have to avoid two Sligs on the screen above
to deactivate the electric, fence you can get some bombs to kill the Sligs. It's much
easier if you already have bombs !
Hoist up to the platform with the electric fence.
Hoist up again to the screen above.
As the Slig is leaving the room, jump the gap to the other platform, and sneak into the
shadow of the next screen.
Wait for the Slig on the lower platform to leave the screen then walk forward to the end
of the platform and hoist up. If there is no Slig above you sneak into the shadow of the
next screen on the right.
Wait for the Slig on the upper platform to be on the other screen then quickly run to the
lever, pull it and return to the shadow.
Drop off the edge when no Sligs are on the screen and roll through the small tunnel on the
Wait until there isn't a Slig on the lower platform, then run or roll into the shadow on
the next screen. When its safe roll off the platform, Abe will land in front of the boom
machine. Collect 9 bombs. Hoist up and throw bombs until both Sligs are dead.
People with bombs can do the following, Hoist up on to the platform with the electric
fence, then hoist again to the platform above.
Hoist up to the standing position, as both Sligs are on their way right.
Immediately turn to face left. There are two Sligs around.
Throw a bomb directly to the left, by pressing throw and left, and throw another above and
to the left, by pressing throw and up.
Both Sligs should now be dead.
Jump the gap, run left and jump up onto the platform, pull the lever that deactivates the
electric fence below. Run back to the left, jump the gap again and run through the door on
the right hand side of the platform.
Stand on the right hand side of the lever, facing left.
Pull the lever and make a running jump onto the platform.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk right and kill both Sligs on the next screen.
Take the lift down to the screen below and shoot both Sligs that are waiting at the bottom
of the lift.
Walk right, as you enter the next screen shoot another Slig. Wait a couple of moments and
more Sligs will drop down. Shoot them all, you'll need to drop down to the ground to get a
couple of them. Continue on the ground to the left and shout "look out". S
As Abe, run right and drop down the lift shaft.
When you hit the ground, run right and drop to the floor.
Roll into the next screen, right the way up to the mine by the sleeping Slig. Staying in a
crouch, activate the bomb, and quickly roll away.
After the Slig has been destroyed, roll back through the tunnel, hoist up onto the
platform, and pull the lever to deactivate the electric fence.
Sneak into the next screen.
Sneak to the right of the boom machine.
Roll a bomb at the Slig.
Quickly roll out of the screen.
You must kill this Slig, if you get past it and enter the next section, it will kill you
on your return.
The Boom Machine here only gives one bomb.
Then go through the door.
Immediately run to the right, and keep running. A pack of Slogs will chase
you for several screens.
Five screens to the right you will see the Mudokons on a platform.
Make a running jump onto it.
Immediately stand and throw a bomb against the wall. It should land near the Slogs and
kill them all.
If it doesn't you'll need to keep a running jump over to the boom machine to roll bombs at
the Slogs until they are all dead, if any survive, make a running jump back over to the
previous platform and throw a bomb against the wall. Repeat until all Slogs
If you don't kill all the Slogs with the first bomb, the best throw then, is to stand
facing left and throw right, or when on the left hand platform, stand facing right and
throw left.
When all the Slogs have been killed.
Drop down and walk to the screen on the left.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk left, beware of the kennel, many Slogs will rush out of it, kill them
all then approach the lever, when you are about 4 steps away another Slog will run out.
Shoot it, then pull the lever and de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, get the two Mudokons from the platform to follow you to the start of the level.
The Boom Machine contains 3 bombs if you need them.
Then pull the lever on the right hand side of the screen with the Mudokon trapped in
between the eclectic fences. Get him to follow you to the screen with the portal and chant
to save 3 more Mudokons.
Exit though the door back to R2P04C06.
Walk to the room on the left, ask the Mudokon to follow you, and lead it to the portal on
the far left of the level.
Chant to save 3 more Mudokons.
Make your way back to the start of the level, exit through the door to R2P14C03.
Run to the left, jump the gap, keep running left. Turn and jump up to the upper platform
and run all the way right and enter the door at the end.
Run right to the next screen.
Jump the gap, and run to the next screen.
Lower down take a step right, jump over the mines, Slogs and a Slig will wake up, quickly
turn around, jump back over the mines. Take a step forward and hoist up.
Try to possess the Slig. It will walk into the electric fence.
walk back to the screen to the left and possess the Slig.
Notice the Zs in the kennel to the right.
As the Slig, pull the lever.
A horde of 99 Slogs will attack from the right kennel. Shoot them all.
Walk to the left, notice the Zs in both kennels.
Pull the lever.
Slogs will attack from the left then right so pull the lever that deactivates the electric
fence by the 'do not touch' sign, by standing on the right hand side. Keep turning and
shooting quickly, the 24th Slog comes from the left rather than the right.
When they are all dead, walk to the right, and shoot the Slogs that appear from the kennel near the
'Do Not Touch' sign.
When they are all dead, walk the Slig in to the mines.
As Abe, lower down and avoiding any mines go to the 'do not touch' sign and touch it to
stop the machines.
Walk to the right and through a couple of doors to enter the last section.