
There are 6 Mudokons within the Scrabanian Temple section, all of whom are in secret sections.
The entrance of Scrabania, collecting the Elum:
From screen D1P02C01 - Getting past the floating mines and other handy hints.
From screen D1P04C01 - How to stop the Elum eating honey, and complete the section:
From screen D1P07C01 - Getting past the floating mines, get to the Scrabanian Temple entrance:
For Scrabanian Temple, it's entrance and Nests, and the secret sections;
Starting on screen D1P01C01, run left, when you enter the next screen,
jump over a mine and grab onto the ledge.
Wait for the Slig to turn away, then hoist up and sneak to the mine, activate it, then
quickly roll away.
When the Slig has exploded, sneak into the next screen.
When the Slig here leaves the room hoist up to the platform, notice the 'X' on the ground.
Wait for the Slig to walk over the X, then pull the lever to crush it with a boulder.
Walk into the next screen on the left, again notice the X on the floor, make sure Abe
isn't standing over this when you pull the lever !
After the boulder drops pull the lever again to open the well where you started the level.
Run back there and jump in the well, Abe will appear in the background, pull the other
lever and jump back in the well.
When you reappear in the foreground, run left and jump into the well on the next screen.
Abe will appear in the background.
Possess the Slig, as the Slig, walk to the right, if you are lucky the Slig will land on
the mine and blow it up, don't worry if it doesn't it will still die from the fall.
As Abe, jump into the well, you will pop out of the foreground well and land on the
platform at the top were the last Slig was.
Pull the ring to call the Elum, and lower Abe to the ground.
Get on the Elum and run left, make a running jump over the gap on the next screen and keep
going through the tunnel.
You start on screen D1P02C01.
If you are not on the Elum, get on it and jump over the gap, run into the next screen and
go down on the lift. You'll need to get off the Elum to operate the lift.
Repeat the Mudokons Whistle to get the Red Rings - His whistle is;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Fart.
Ask the Elum to wait.
Walk to the right, chant to explode the floating mine.
Return to the Mudokon, get the Red Rings again.
Hoist up onto the platform, walk to the right and pull the lever on the next screen.
Walk back to the left, drop down, and then back to the right, use the lift to the next
screen down.
Explode the mines by chanting, make a running jump up to the platform and listen to the
password the stone gives you, it is;
Whistle 1, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Fart.
Return to the Mudokon above and get the Red Rings again.
Use the lift and go down two screens to the Mudokon who will ask Abe for the password.
Once you have given him the password, the floating mines will start to move, when they are
both on the other side of the screen, chant to blow them up.
Now return to the previous Mudokon to get the Red Rings again and collect the Elum.
Return to where the Mudokon asked for the password, and making a running jump on the Elum
to reach the other platform.
If you wish you can get off the Elum, when the floating mines are furthest away from you,
chant to explode them all.
Alternatively remain on the Elum, and time a run through the next few screens to avoid the
floating mines,
the next screen also involves a jump.
The screen after require two jumps,
then the screen after that needs a single jump,
now exit through the tunnel.
D1P04C01: From screen D1P04C01, run right for a couple of
screens, then get on the lift and go up.
The Elum will eat the honey, leave it and get on the other lift and go down.
Run right for a couple of screens, you'll need to make a running jump, keep going right,
beware of the Slig in the background, when safe go to the next screen on the right, and
pull the lever, then run back to the well and jump in it.
Now you will catapult up and hit the bag of rocks, pick up the rock it dispenses, and take
the lift up two screens above to D1P04C08.
Hoist up to the ledge, roll the rock on to the mine to destroy it.
Roll into the next screen.
A Mudokon will whistle a phrase that Abe needs to repeat, it is,
Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Fart.
Once repeated correctly, he will give you the Red Rings, use the lift to go down a screen,
where the Elum is eating the honey.
Walk to the right, and from the very edge of the screen chant to blow up all the mines.
Roll under the cactus, hoist on to the ledge, and climb up again into the next screen.
Pull the lever and the bees will attack Abe.
Lower Abe down, and quickly roll under the cactus. Run past the Elum. The bees will now
attack the Elum, who will now ignore the honey to get away from the bees.
Go up and get the Red Rings again, the return to the ground on the lift.
Run right whilst riding the Elum, you'll need to make a couple of jumps, when you get to
screen D1P06C08 get off the Elum and ask it to wait.
Jump into the well, Abe will pop out on the other side.
Deactivate the mine, it's sequence is;
2 red clicks then green.
Roll into the next screen, and wait behind the rock.
One the floating mine is at the furthest point from Abe, chant and Abe will blow up the
mine and the chant suppresser.
Now possess the Sligs and kill them, the first will be shot by the other Slig, the other
Abe will have to de-possess.
Jump into the well to get the Elum, mount it and make a jump across.
Run right to screen, D1P06C02, dismount the Elum, and jump into the well.
You will land on the right hand lift of two.
Make a jump across to the other, and make sure that the bag of rocks has dispensed one.
Jump back over to the right, and lower the lift, one screen.
Pick up the rock from the ledge, and stand, and turn to the left, throw the rock and it
should blow up a mine in front of a rock with the paw print on it.
Go down another screen on the lift to collect the Elum. Now return to the top, jump across
to the other lift, and go down for a screen to listen to the password.
The password is;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 2, Fart.
Return to the Elum, go one screen to the right, where a Mudokon will ask for a password,
once you give it, it will give you the Red Rings.
If you have completed the level using our method, you won't need the rings, but it's nice
to be polite.
Jump the gap on the Elum, and another on the next screen and go onto the next section of
the game.
Run onto the next screen.
Dismount the Elum.
Lower Abe down to the screen below, pull the lever from the right hand side and hoist
quickly back up to the top.
The floating mine will now be moving.
Mount the Elum, after the mine passes in front of you, walk to the edge of the platform,
and jump the gap when the mine is high in the air.
The floating mine on the next screen will chase you for a few screens, so enter the screen
running, jump the gap, and keep running.
The screen after has two gaps with a Slig in the background, followed by a long jump.
The screen after has a bomb in your path so get ready to stop running!
Dismount the Elum, and hoist up where you see the debris falling.
Climb up.
Possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk to the right. Go down to the lower platform on the lift, and shoot the
other Slig.
Go down again on the Lift. Note that the sign above the lever reads "Boom".
Drop down to the ground, shoot the Slig, and pull the lever. BOOM !
As Abe, climb down, and mount the Elum.
Jump the gap, run through the screen, jump the next gap, and again on the next screen.
A Slig is sleeping on the next screen. Dismount the Elum, and sneak past it after asking
the Elum to wait.
The screen after contains 3 sets of two mines and a floating mine, which is making a quick
circle of the screen.
You must walk up to the first set of mines, crouch until the floating mine goes past, then
quickly jump to the gap between the next set of mines and crouch again.
Once you are past all the mines walk into the next screen, a Mudokon will say Hello and
whistle at you. repeat the phrase, it is;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Fart.
Walk back to the previous screen, and from the very edge of it, while the floating mine is
as far away from Abe as possible, chant to destroy all the mines.
Now return to the previous screen, pull the lever and jump into the well.
Abe will reappear in the background of the screen with the sleeping Slig.
Possess the Slig, then walk right to screen D1P08C04, kill the Slig which is waiting on
the other platform. Then de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, jump into the well, walk left and mount the Elum, run right for four screens,
making a running jump on the forth screen to avoid some bats, the screen after has a
block, so dismount the Elum, give it a friendly whistle goodbye and climb over the block.
On the next screen, jump into the well, if you had continued going forward you'll meet
some Slogs so you have to jump into the well.
The well sends you to screen D1P09C04, a floating mine will catch you if you stop moving.
Keep rolling, the Mudokon in the background will whistle;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 1, Fart.
Once you repeat it correctly, the Mudokon will pull a lever, when the floating mine is out
of harms way jump into the well.
After a series of amazing jumps, you will land in the background again.
Walk right, a Mudokon will whistle a song, repeat it for the Red Rings.
The phrase is;
Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Whistle 2, Whistle 1, Whistle 2, Fart.
Chant to explode all the mines - don't stand to close or Abe will explode too !
Walk to the right, make a few jumps, then jump into the well.
Walk to the screen on the right and chant from the edge of the screen to open Abes portal.
A Slog will chase you, jump back into the well, and then when you land, run right and make
a running jump through the portal.
To complete the entrance to the Scrabanian Temple and a secret section;
Enter the Temple and the solution to the room on the top left corner of
the screen;
For the solution to the room on the left platform to the right;
For solutions to the room in the bottom left corner and also the very
top room;
For the solution to the left room on the middle right platform;
For the solution to the room on the right of the middle right platform;
For the solution to the left room on the bottom right platform of the
screen and a secret;
For the solution to the bottom right room and a secret;
For the solution to the Scrabanian Nests;
There is a secret section immediately to the left.
Roll left and chant to open Abes portal, then jump through it.
Wait until the Slig is directly underneath you. As soon as he turn to the left, climb down
and wait in the shadows.
Wait for the Slig to walk left.
Sneak with the Slig to the shadows on the left.
Deactivate the bomb, when the Slig walking to the right.
The sequence is; 1 red clicks then green.
Wait for the Slig to walk back over to the left, and sneak behind it to the shadow on the
Hoist up onto the platform and possess the Slig.
As the Slig, walk to the next screen and stand in the middle of the screen.
Slogs will appear alternately from the left and right kennels.
Keep turning and shooting, until no more appear.
When the Slig on the platform above is walking right say "here boy".
It should drop off the platform.
Shoot it, then de-posses your Slig.
As Abe, go into the next screen, and chant to save 2 more Mudokons.
Return to the screen on the right, chant to open Abes portal and jump through it to return
to the Scrabanian Temple. Roll to the starting screen.
Over the next few screens there are several Sligs in the background, and chant suppressers
on every screen, don't forget to hide behind rocks until the coast is clear.
Keep moving right, the second screen contains a mine that can easily be jumped over.
The forth screen contains 4 mines, one of which needs deactivating. Its sequence is;
3 red clicks then green.
Stay in a crouch behind the rock, when no Sligs are in the background, roll forward and
deactivate the mine by hitting it when it's green.
Roll back to the safety of the rock. Get ready to jump over the 3 remaining mines, and run
onto the next screen, jump the mine, and go through to the exit, to enter the Scrabanian
The rock here contains information about Scrabs and the Flintlock, as
well as a map of Scrabania, it is worth copying this down.
Enter the room furthest to the left on the middle platform.
You start ion screen D2P02C01, run right and hit the bag. Collect the 2 rocks it
dispenses, and lower down to the next screen.
Turn left, and run when the Scrab is underneath Abe and facing right. As you catch the
platform drop down and keep running.
Turn and roll right for two screens.
Roll a rock on to the mine to blow it up. Then roll through and get the bell song.
Hoist up where you can see the debris falling on the left hand side of the screen.
Chant to possess the bells.
Walk left to pull the flintlock lever, then back to the right and drop down to the ground.
Roll to the left for a couple of screens and hoist up. When the Scrab has walked away
hoist up and make a running jump on to the platform.
Run and jump all the way to the right and exit.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple.
You start on screen D2P09C01.
When the Scrab is on the left hand side on the screen, drop down and walk to the well.
Wait for the Scrab to charge, at that moment jump into the well. You will land back on the
platform, run to the left and drop down and pull the lever.
Now quickly turn around and make a running jump back onto the platform.
Alternatively...wait on the left hand side of platform for Scrab to charge to the right,
take a running jump, pull the lever, then run and jump back up to the platform.
Now wait for the Scrab to wander to the left again, drop down, and jump into the well. Abe
will shoot over to the tall left hand platform.
Jump into the well, when Abe reappears, run down the stairs and jump into the other well.
Abe will now appear by rock that gives the bell song.
Listen to it, and wait for the Scrab to walk underneath the platform Abe is on.
Run left and make a running jump to land on the ground, if you don't jump, Abe will fall
into the well and pop back up at the bell song.
Run into the next room and make a running jump for the platform on the left hand side.
Now drop down into the well, you'll reappear over on the right hand side.
Hoist up were you see the debris falling.
Climb onto the rock and pull the lever, drop back down to the lever, and wait for the
Scrab to leave the room.
Pull the lever, run right, and jump into the well, you'll land by the flintlock lever,
pull it, then lower Abe down again to the bell song.
Wait for the Scrab to be underneath Abe again, the make another running jump, run into the
next screen then jump into the well.
From the plinth you land on hoist up, chant to possess the bells and then exit the level.
You will return again to the Scrabanian Temple.
You will start on screen D2P03C01:
Roll forward when the floating mine is out of the way, and Abe will drop and grab onto a
ledge, drop down again.
Abe will land on a platform with a lever. Notice that there is a Slig both in the
background and foreground, and that there is a 'X' on the ground, unfortunately there is
also a chant suppresser.
Sneak forward and pull the lever, then roll back out of danger. When the Slig in the
background is behind the rock, roll forward and into the next screen.
Wait behind the rock, then jump into the well when the Slig isn't looking.
Possess the Slig. Notice the "Zs" appearing from the tunnel on the left.
As the Slig, pull the flintlock lever, and then quickly shoot the Slogs that come running
out. Walk to the next screen and shoot the Slig, then de-possess the Slig.
As Abe, run to the right, listen to the bell song, and jump into the well.
Chant to possess the bells, then exit when the door opens.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple. D2P10C01, now jump the well to the right. Hoist
up and enter the room at the very top.
From room D2P05C01, go left, jump up onto the platform and get the bell song.
Run two screens to the right, make a running jump to the ledge, and keep going to avoid
the bats.
Jump the gap on the next screen and keep running into the following screen.
Make a running jump for the ledge with the Scrab, but don't hoist up.
Wait for the Scrab to walk off of the ledge, then hoist up, and jump into the well.
Run a couple of screens to the right and pull the lever.
Abe will drop down, immediately roll left, eventually you will roll through a block that
prevents the Scrab from harming you.
Keep rolling left, and drop off the platform. You will land back by the first well.
Wait for the Scrab to walk under you then make a running jump onto the lift. Quickly take
the lift up, and when at the top possess the bells to open the door, and then exit.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple.
Starting on screen D2P07C06, jump over to the platform on the left and lower down to the
Jump to the right so that you land on the floor, and take a couple of steps to the right,
under the platform with the Scrab on it. Hoist up when the Scrab jumps off.
Pull the flintlock lever.
Wait for the Scrab to walk underneath the platform, then start running right, the screen
after next requires a running jump, and the screen after that has a platform to jump onto
to get the bell song. After you get the bell song, Wait for the Scrab to wa
There is another Scrab in that screen, but the previous Scrab will rush in and they will
start to fight. Hoist up to the platform on the left, possess the bells and exit.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple.
You will have started on screen D2P04C01.
Run to the right. On the next screen you have to make a running jump. Notice the flintlock
lever in the background.
Walk into the next screen, when the Scrab sees Abe, run back to the well where you started
the section, jump into the well as the Scrab enters the room, Abe will be shot over the
Now keep running to the right until you reach the lift.
Take the lift straight down to the bottom.
Hoist up to the ledge and pull the lever.
Climb down and perform a running jump to get over the well.
As you enter the next screen a Scrab will chase you.
Run out and fall into the well, Abe will catapult back out, keep jumping in to it until
the Scrab falls into the well and dies.
Now pull the lever in the room to the right.
Run back and jump across the gap, and hoist up.
Jump into the well. You will catapult up to a well at the top, jump into it. Abe will land
in front of the bell song, listen to it, then run to the left, to pull the flintlock
Jump back into the well.
After Abe lands drop onto the lift and go to the bottom. Go to the screen on the right.
Chant to possess the bells and exit.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple.
You have started on a ledge on D2P06C03.
Lower down off the ledge.
Run to the left when the Scrab is facing in the opposite direction, there is another Scrab
in the next screen, but once the two Scrabs see each other they should start fighting.
Jump onto the platform.
Run to the left again to get another Scrab involved in the fighting.
Then return to the right and wait on the right hand side of the screen, where you started
the level, for a Scrab to come then walk into the next room, walk up to the well, jump
into the well, the two Scrabs will fight again, quickly pull the lever from wh
Go right and pull the flintlock lever, head into the next screen and listen to the bell
song. Keep heading right and jump into the well.
You'll land on the platform with the lever again.
Wait for the Scrab to be underneath the platform, facing right, and run left until you
reach a platform by the bells.
Jump up to the platform.
Chant to possess the bells, the exit will open, you can either go through the exit or
hoist up where you can see some debris to get to a secret section, roll to the left and
you will enter a hidden section.
Chant to open the portal and jump through for a secret.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you and walk to the screen on the left, then ask him to wait.
Walk back to the edge of the platform, turn left and wait for the Scrab to pass underneath
walking to the right.
Lower down and quickly roll through the tube, you'll grab on to a platform below, hoist up
and chant to open your portal.
Hoist up, a floating mine is above when it is safe, i.e., it has just passed you, hoist up
twice to the platform above the mine.
Chant to save the Mudokon.
Lower down, again when the mine has just passed you.
Walk to the edge of the platform, turn to the left, and wait for the Scrab to pass you.
Quickly lower down and run and jump through the portal.
Make your way to the exit and return to the Scrabanian Temple.
From screen D2P08C02, run forward a couple of steps then turn and make a running jump to
the left side of the lift, hoist up when the Scrab runs off.
Take the lift up.
Roll to the left, on the next screen a lift will come up with a Scrab. Roll back to the
right and pull the lever, when the Scrab is on the lift.
The lift will descend, stand on the other side of the lever to get the lift back.
Roll to the left, get the bell song.
Take the lift on this screen down to a secret section.
Chant to open the portal and jump through it.
When you enter this level, open the portal on the left hand side of the screen, but don't
jump through it just yet.
Ask a Mudokon to follow you, hang down from the platform, and as soon as the Scrab
advances towards Abe, hoist back up.
When the Scrab is underneath the platform and facing the wall, run off the platform, jump
the gap, and make your way into the next screen to the left.
As soon as you come into the next screen, there will be another gap to jump. After jumping
the gap, climb and hoist up onto the platform. Chant to rescue the Mudokon. Repeat this
procedure for the other Mudokons, and after rescuing the last one, don't for
Go back down on the lift.
The two Scrabs will fight.
Run right.
Jump onto the platform with the Flintlock lever.
Pull it, and a Scrab will come up.
Walk to the right and drop off the platform.
The next screen contains the bells, chant to possess them, then exit.
You will return to the Scrabanian Temple.
This section is extremely fast paced, and you must be good at running, jumping and rolling
to survive...
If you wish you can jump into the well, and scout the level from the safety of the
background. You will eventually return to D7P11C01.
Run into the next screen and make a running jump. Keep running into the following screen
and make another running jump, ignoring the platform above and run into the next screen
and make another running jump. Jump onto the platform and hoist up where you c
On the screen above, immediately hoist again to the lift. Go up to the screen above, and
run into the right screen, make a running jump onto the lift, and go up to the screen
Run right, on the next screen make a running jump for the platform, and a running jump
over the gap.
Run into the next screen and press X to roll under the barrier. When you land, keep
running to the next screen. Make a running jump onto the platform on the right.
Turn and make a running jump over the Scrab, to the platform on the left, pull the lever,
and wait for the Scrab to be killed.
Make your way to the lever on the right, avoiding the falling boulders. Pull the lever,
wait for the boulders to stop, then exit through the main door.
Chant and exit through the portal to Monsaic Awakened.