
Within the following sections references are made to screen numbers, these can be seen by pressing pause, the screen number is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
You start on screen R1P15C01.
There are 28 Mudokons within Rupture Farms, 14 of whom are in secret sections.
To save the first 3 Mudokons in a secret room.
For details on getting past the Sleeping Slig, and finding another secret area.
For a solution to the secret area beneath the mines & saving the 2 Mudokons on the main level.
For a solution to the secret area beneath the ring.
To hear a solution to the start of the packaging area, and the first secret.
For the solution to the next section, and how to save the Mudokon from the two Sligs.
To save the next three Mudokons.
To complete the Rupture farms section.
To find the last secret in Rupture farms.
Walk or run to the barrel, then drop down through the barrel to
enter the first secret section by pressing down as you stand within it.
Walk to the edge of the platform and jump by pressing triangle.
Walk to the left when the meat grinder is at the top.
Deactivate the electric field using the lever.
You must be one step away from a lever to use it.
The meat grinder will now speed up, so crouch by pressing down or X, and roll
through the grinder just as it leaves the ground - purposely roll too far and
you will grab on to the ledge opposite.
Press up to climb on the platform, avoiding the grinder walk over to the Mudokon
that cleans the floor right on top of the lever.
Say 'hello'.
Once the Mudokon responds say 'follow me'.
Run to the left once the grinder has reached the top and the Mudokon will walk
under the grinder to the edge of the platform.
Ask it to follow you again and it should drop down to the screen below.
Now ask it to 'wait'.
Step forward and Abe will grab the platform, again hoist yourself up.
Walk under the grinder to the right of the lever and deactivate it.
Take one step to the left to stand on top of the lever.
Say 'Hello' to the other Mudokon.
After he responds, when the grinder is just starting it's descent, ask it to
follow you. The Mudokon should safely walk up to Abe.
Ask him to follow you again so that you are standing in the same place.
As before run to the left once the grinder has reached the top.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you again.
Ask him to wait.
Take a step forward and grab on to the platform.
Lower yourself into the next screen by pressing the down arrow.
Notice that there is a sleeping Slig on the right hand platform. That's why
you ask the other Mudokon to wait. If you hadn't, and followed one quickly down,
the Mudokon would walk towards you and wake the Slig up, who would have shot
Jump forward by pressing triangle.
You will grab hold of the platform and wake the Slig.
When the Slig walks off the platform hoist yourself up and get ready to activate
the lever.
As the Slig walks over the trapdoor activate the lever.
After it has fallen through the trapdoor and is dead, say Hello to a Mudokon,
and ask him follow you. He should walk to the edge of the platform, ask him
again to follow you and he should walk off the platform. Now ask him to wait.
Jump over to the left platform and walk to the Mudokon waiting there. After
the other Mudokon resumes work say 'Hello' and ask him to 'Follow me', and get
him down to the lower platform.
Then you have to leave the room for the birds to return and form a portal.
If you look at the platform on the left there are drops or debris following
from the room above, stand under either of these and hoist Abe up to the next
room, then drop down again.
You will see that the birds have returned to the lower right corner of the room.
If you now chant you will save these three Mudokons from becoming meat products.
The Mudokons will all get up and jump through the gateway that the birds make.
Congratulations, you have just saved three Mudokons !
Hoist yourself back into the room above and make your way to the central lever.
When you are standing on top of the lever hoist yourself onto the platform above.
Walk over to where the drips are falling from the room above and hoist yourself
back to the room you started in.
From the first screen, run into the next room by holding R1 and
pressing the right arrow. R1PI5C02:
You will notice a directory here.
Once you hoist onto the platform a Slig rushes into the room so study the directory
while you can.
Walk into the next room and then enter the door by standing in front of it and
then pressing up, Abe now appears in the background. Run along into the next
screen, go through the door, and walk right once you reappear in the foreground.
Walk into the next room before the Slig shoots you.
Jump both holes. To jump, press triangle. To run and jump, press triangle while
you run. There is a secret below the barrel, but you will need to get a bomb
first to blow up the mines.
Walk into the next room, R1PI5C04.
To sneak past the sleeping Slig, hold R2 while you move.
Sneak on to the next screen, then drop down, but don't pull the lever, it will
kill the Mudokon, then sneak back into the screen to the left.
Sneak all the way over to the lever, pull it to deactivate the electric field
on the screen to the right. To pull the lever, stand next to it and press square.
Sneak back over to the barrel and lower yourself into a secret section.
Drop down and jump over to the boom machine for a bomb.
Stand in the centre of the boom machine.
Go to throw the bomb (using the circle), count the 'ticks', when the 'ticks'
reach five throw the bomb by using the right direction key.
The bomb should hit the chant suppresser just as it explodes, blowing up the
Take another bomb and make a running jump over to the other platform.
Hoist up to the screen above. (Notice if the Slig that was asleep here has been
Drop back down, the Sligs there will have gone back to sleep.
Now sneak two steps to the right.
Crouch down.
Roll a bomb to the level below. This should take care of both Sligs, if it doesn't
simply repeat the process.
When both Sligs are dead, get another bomb, and drop down to the lower platform.
Walk to the end of that platform, and lower Abe quickly into the screen below
and very quickly hoist Abe back up again.
Now walk 5 steps along and throw your bomb. After it explodes you should hear
that the Slig has stopped moving in the screen below.
Get another bomb.
Drop down into the screen below.
Roll a bomb under the chant suppresser, roll away to a safe distance.
Go back up to the screen above and drop down again for the birds to return.
Chant and you will have saved two more Mudokons.
Now return to the top, if the Slig was alive, get another bomb, stand facing
the right under the drips, and throw the bomb upwards after a count of five
ticks by holding circle and pressing left when you want to throw the bomb.
Get another bomb (you can never have too many !), and hoist back up.
The Secret area beneath the mines &
two main Mudokons
There is a secret area located beneath the mines on the right
hand side of screen R1P15C03.
You need a bomb to blow the mines up, so if you haven't got one walk to the
screen on the right, and visit the secret area beneath the barrel to get a bomb.
When you have the bomb, from the edge of the screen in a crouch, roll a bomb
onto the mines. This should take out most of the mines.
If you want to be extra safe get another bomb and explode any remaining mines
from the platform on the left. Jump down and climb down through the barrel.
R1P15C11/R1P15C12: Get Abe to drop to the screen below.
Pull the lever to slow the meat grinder on the screen above.
Roll back, collect the Mudokons one at a time from the room above and get them
through both grinders.
Chant to open the portal and save two more Mudokons
Return to the main level.
If there are any mines left do a running jump over the mines to grab the platform.
Walk to the next screen on the right.
R1p15c04. If you haven't got bomb, visit the secret area under the barrel,
and get another.
Talk to the Mudokon on room R1P15C04 and get him to follow you two screens to
the right, then tell him to wait.
Sneak onto the next screen.
Crouch down and throw the bomb at the sleeping Slig.
Roll out of the room.
Ask the Mudokon to follow you, and lead him to the lift, then ask him to wait
when he is standing on the platform Walk back a screen to R1p15c05, get the
Mudokon to follow you to the lift and again ask him to wait there.
Stand in the centre of the lift and push down. Abe will use the ropes to move
the lift to the screen below.
R1P15C08: Simply chant to free the two Mudokons then take the left back
up and walk to one room on the left.
In room R1P15C06, stand directly under the ring, facing right.
To use the ring, stand under it and hold up arrow, just like a hoist.
Run quickly to the right, you should fall down through the trapdoor into another
secret area.
R1P15C13: If you don't already have a bomb collect another, by pressing
up whilst standing in front of the Boom Machine.
Collect the bomb by either sitting on it or crouching and pressing square when
you are one step away.
Stand as close to the wall on the right as possible face right and throw the
bomb to the right, this will rebound and fall through the hole in the platform
and kill the Slig.
Get another bomb. Walk to the edge of the lower platform.
Destroy the chant suppresser, by throwing a bomb directly at it after 5 ticks,
by pressing right while holding the circle button when facing left. (If you
have a bomb when you chant later to open the portal for Abe, and you haven't
destroyed the suppresser, you'll drop the bomb)
Alternatively you can chant before collecting a bomb, then collect one safely.
Get another bomb.
Drop to the room below.
R1P15C14: From where you land, face the right and throw the bomb, it
will ricochet and land near the mine. When it explodes it will blow up the mine.
Hoist up where you can see the debris falling.
Leave the room so that the birds can return.
Chant to save the Mudokon.
Hoist back up to the room above.
Chant to get the birds to form a portal for you.
Then Collect another bomb.
Drop back down and go through portal returning to screen above.
Now run back to the lift to the right on screen R1p15c07.
Stand in the centre of the lift and push down to move to the screen below.
Then walk through the door to packaging.
Solution to the start of the packaging
area, and the first secret
PACKAGING. You start in room R1P16C01, talk to the Mudokon,
ask him to follow you, move two screens to the right and ask him to wait.
Walk back one screen to R1P16C04 and collect the Mudokon. Walk into R1p16c02,
and chant to save the two Mudokons.
Jump upto the platform and sneak into the next screen.
R1P16C03: Sneak up to the lever, and pull it as the Slig is walking over
the trapdoor facing left. If he walks right, he survives and Abe may have to
deal with it later.
After The Slig has been dispatched. Pull the lever again and run so that Abe
falls through the trapdoor to the secret room below.
R1P16C09 Crouch and turn left.
When the Slig is by the Mudokon on the platform below and turns to march back
over to the birds, start to throw the bomb.
Hold circle for three ticks then release it by pressing left.
Drop down to the screen below from the right hand ledge, NOT from the ledge
the Mudokon is on.
R1P16C10: Get a bomb, walk past the meat grinder and hoist back up to
the screen above. Again get over to the right hand ledge and drop down, this
time sneak past the meat grinder. Jump over to the other ledge and sneak forward
three steps.
Crouch, and press circle to throw the bomb, release it with the right direction
button after 4 ticks. This will kill the sleeping Slig and detonate the mine.
Drop down and pull the lever to stop the meat grinder.
Get another bomb, and stand on the lower floor directly under the suppresser.
Face the right, release a bomb upwards by pressing left after five ticks.
Get another bomb and return to the screen above.
Destroy the chant suppresser using the method just described.
Get the Mudokon to follow you to the screen below. If you are on the right hand
ledge when you ask him to follow you, the Mudokon will avoid the grinder.
Coax him to the ground and chant to rescue three more Mudokons.
Get another bomb, return to the screen above and chant to and jump through the
portal to return to screen R1P16C03.
For the solution to the next section,
and how to save the Mudokon
From room R1P16C05, Jump the gaps, avoiding the falling carcasses.
walk into the next room.
R1P16C06: De-activate the mine using the correct timing, (three clicks
of red followed by one tick of green. Tap the mine when it is green).
Take a couple of steps to the left and then throw a bomb to the right. This
should destroy a Slig that's on the next screen. Now jump on to the platform
and walk to the next screen.
R1P16C07: If you have killed the Slig, there should only be one remaining,
near the Mudokon.
Say 'wait' and the Slig should get up, pull the lever when the Slig walks over
the trapdoor to kill it.
Jump on to the other platform and pull the lever, now say hello to the Mudokon
and ask him to follow you, walk back into the room on the left and chant to
save the Mudokon.
to save the next three Mudokons.
R1P18C10: On room R1P18C10 you start hidden from a Slig
behind a column.
Crouch and say hello to the Mudokon, then say follow me and roll into the screen
to the right. A Slig is in the background, so once you pass the barrier keep
rolling or it'll shoot you, or the other Mudokon.
R1P18C01: Jump onto the platform and deactivate the meat grinder by using
the lever, then walk into the room on the right. Tell the Mudokon following
you to wait, or he may walk into the meat grinder.
Walk in to the next screen, and R1P18C02: wait by the lever until the
Slig walks under the grinder, then pull the lever to destroy it.
Walk into the room to the right.
R1P18C11: There is a Mudokon hiding in the shadows. Speak to him, then
take him to the bird portal a couple of screens back. Chant to save three more
To complete the Rupture farms section
A Slig patrols screen R1P18C03, sneak into this room, and into
the shadows when the Slig isn't looking. Then sneak just behind the Slig to
the second shadow. As the Slig patrols to the left sneak out of the room.
R1P18C04: Initially just run past this room, later you will return here
to enter the lower level. Slow down as you walk into the room to the right as
there are meat grinders there.
R1P18C05: Roll under the first grinder, pause by the second meat grinder
and out of the room. R1P18C06: Don't pull the lever yet !
Walk to the Mudokon on the right hand side of the screen and ask him to follow
you to the screen on the left, then ask him to wait on the right hand side of
the screen.
Return to the screen on the right.
There is a Mudokon in the shadows, ask him to follow you and wait in the room
to the left. You do this because a Slig will chase you from the next room and
you don't want your fellow workers to be shot. Roll into the next room.
R1P18C07: Stay crouching, but turn to face left. Once the Slig has seen
you roll back to the left and keep rolling until you reach the lever.
Stand and pull the lever to hit the Slig with a carcass. Keep pulling the lever
to make sure that you hit it as he enters the room.
Now get the four Mudokons from the room on the left to follow you to the next
room where you can save them and two others. Pull the lever, but don't go through
the door yet. Instead, return to screen R1P18C04 and go through the door there.
to find the last secret in rupture farms
On screen R1P19C01, run straight through to the left, through
the next screen, the Slig on the platform will drop down after you.
Keep running into the next screen, and get a bomb by standing in front of the
Boom Machine and pushing up.
To collect the Bomb, either stand on top of it and crouch down, or crouch, one
step away and pick it up by pressing square.
Immediately stand and throw to the right.
This normally gets the Slig first time.
Listen for the Sligs movements, if you can still hear it, keep getting bombs
and throwing them in until it is dead.
Get another grenade. Ride the lift up to the top.
Notice the Slig on the platform to the right on screen R1P20C03.
R1P19C04: Take four steps to the left. Crouch turn right and roll a bomb
off the ledge. After it explodes, walk off the ledge to the right and you will
drop down onto the platform where the Slig was. Roll through to a secret level.
R1P19C05: Stand up and jump through the first grinder. Time your jump
to when the grinder is at the top. The next jump has to be two jumps in quick
succession. Wait until both reach the top then jump twice. Finally roll through
the tube into room R1p20C06 and save the three Mudokons. Roll back out and drop
down the first trapdoor back to room R1P20C01. You land in the room where the
Slig was originally waiting.
Walk back to the left to get the lift. Be careful not to run in as the lift
is up on the top platform. Call it by using the lever and get another bomb.
Ride the lift to the top and roll the bomb on to the platform to the left with
the mines. Drop down to screen R1p20C03 and roll through to the Stockyards.
At this point you should have saved 28 Mudokons. Any that you haven't saved
will be automatically executed